
Tour of IBMCP

Inside one of the large greenhouses at IBMCP
Inside one of the large greenhouses at IBMCP

My first couple of weeks at IBMCP were mostly about just getting to know the place, meeting researchers and getting settled. One of the first things I did was take tour of the greenhouses. IBMCP researchers Javier Brumós and Pedro Martinez showed me the IBMCP greenhouse facilities — and they are massive. What I’m posting here is just a small sample.

Another greenhouse (this one is growing tomato plants I believe).
Another greenhouse (this one is growing tomato plants I believe). IBMCP researchers work with al kinds of plants such as tomato, melon, tobacco and Arabidopsis thaliana (probably the most popular model organism in plant biology research).
Inside one of the many large plant growth chambers.
Inside one of the many large plant growth chambers.
A partial view of one of the greenhouse facilities (IBMCP actually has two, this is the smaller one)
A partial view of one of the greenhouse facilities (IBMCP actually has two, this is the smaller one)

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